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Professional Bakersfield Cockroach Treatments & Clean-Outs

Cockroach treatment

Never Pests Pest Control is happy to serve the Bakersfield area for all your cockroach treatments. You might not think seeing a roach here and there is a big deal, but finding roaches in your home during the day could even mean you have a severe infestation and are in need of cockroach treatments. Never Pests Pest Control offers cockroach treatments for various roach species, including American, German, Asian, and Oriental cockroaches.

Cockroaches have withstood 320 million years of evolution and come in a variety of sizes. They can be over 2 inches long, and some roaches can even have wings, causing quite a scare when you try to kill one. Even worse, roaches spread bacteria and disease and leave a chemical trail in their feces. In doing this, they attract other roaches. Before you know it, you could have roaches swarming your home!

How To Notice A Cockroach Infestation In Your Home

What makes roaches so difficult to deal with is that they can enter your home in several ways. They can fit through cracks, drains, vents, and even hide in boxes and bags.

Your home makes the perfect place for roaches to live since it is warm and has plenty of food and water. Roaches can lay up to 30 to 40 eggs, taking 3 to 4 months to hatch. If you are in the Bakersfield area and find yourself in need of pest control services, our cockroach exterminator is ready to help you reclaim your home with superior cockroach treatments. There are several steps you can take to provide minimal cockroach treatments on your own:

  • Make sure all your food and water is sealed.
  • Keep tight lids on your garbage cans and take them out frequently.
  • Clean out any scraps of food immediately.
  • Sweep and vacuum often.
  • Repair your dripping faucets.

Don't wait another day living with roaches in your home. Call Never Pests Pest Control today for cockroach treatments for your Bakersfield home. We make cockroach clean-outs simple and quick, so you can have a pest-free home.

If you need more pest control in Bakersfield, we have other services to offer you, including ant treatments, bed bug treatments, and more! Call us today for a free quote.

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