Pest Control Tips And Articles For Your Home

Now offering mosquito services for residents in the Kern County area. The In2Care® Mosquito Trap is made of durable plastic and uses water with an odor lure to attract egg-laying Aedes mosquitoes. Once inside, mosquitoes contact the specially treated gauze near the water surface and get […]

If you've spent any time outside during the summer, you've no doubt run into a mosquito or two. They're a common pest found pretty much all over the country with over 200 species known. This nuisance pest is known for its blood-sucking tendencies and painful, itchy […]

German cockroaches are one of the country's most hated pests. Not only do their long antenna make them look like aliens from another planet, but their brown and tan coloring makes them near impossible to see in the dark. They can also fly, which makes things […]

It's no secret that we share this land with plenty of insects, and that's fine as long as there's a balance. Mainly, if pests like ants agree to stay out of our homes, all's right with the world. Unfortunately, ants don't always adhere to this agreement […]

Roaches: they're nasty. They're incredibly difficult to catch, and even harder to kill. Oh yeah, and they fly! It might be hard to hear the truth, but it's simple: even clean homes attract cockroaches. Our pest control experts have compiled a list of where you can […]

There is a lot of misinformation about the nature of coronaviruses, including how they're spread. So can rodents transmit coronavirus? The good news is that there is no current evidence or research to show that rodents are transmitting SARS-CoV-2 to humans. At Never Pests Pest Control, we've […]